Tagged: Bloomsburg

Margaret Englehart 1895 Detail 1

Hunting for Lost Children

There is little more fulfilling to genealogical work than gazing at 100 plus year old photos of lovely children: their clothing, their innocent expressions, and knowing how they are related to us. Realizing two...

Joseph Hagenbuch Post-Chaise 1847 1

Old Newspaper Advertisements

Old newspaper articles and clippings are a great source of information for family research. Sometimes these have been saved in scrapbooks preserved in the Hagenbuch Archives. Other times, they are discovered using online research...

The Columbia County Democrat Headline Detail 2

Family Politics

Like many Americans, politics has been on my mind recently. This led me to wonder: How did our Hagenbuch ancestors participate in the politics of their time? After a bit of digging, I stumbled...

Harry E. Hagenbuch Remittance Detail 1

Harry E. Is OK

Andrew and I work in tandem to put articles together. We will share interesting information about a person, place, thing, or idea and then decide who is going to write an article about it....

Rotten pumpkin head 1

Digging Up a Headless Hagenbuch

Our Halloween story begins with a newspaper article published on March 28, 1879 in The Colombian. It reads as follows: INVESTIGATING THE DEAD For some days past rumors of a most extravagant nature, concerning...

Salome Hagenbuch, Howard Frey, 1917 0

Article Updates and Corrections

With some regularity, my father, Mark Hagenbuch, and I stumble upon new information or other corrections to our articles. Sometimes these are substantial enough to warrant writing an entirely new piece. However, more often...