Category: History

Hagenbuch Stained Glass Detail 0

Hagenbuch Coat of Arms Revisited

In early June, Andrew received a message from Jacob Robison who asked some questions about our family’s DNA tests and also about the Hagenbuch coat of arms. He was curious if we had any...

Hagenbuch Reunion 1957 minutes detail 0

Reunions of the Past

It seems there are a lot of words being written about this year’s Hagenbuch reunion to be held on June 15, 2024 at Hidlay Church. And why not? The location is at a different...

Watercolor Geiger Family Farm 1810 Lewis Miller 1

Homestead Economics: Conclusion

This series of articles started with a question: What economic activities contributed to the success of the Hagenbuch Homestead in Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania? Before beginning to write, I already had some ideas....

Eichelberger Distillery Dills Tavern Pot Still 0

Homestead Economics: Distilling Liquor

Many early American farmers distilled their own liquor, not just for their own consumption but also for additional income. According to Mount Vernon, where George Washington ran a sizable distillery, the average Virginia distiller...