Category: History

Hagenbuch Summer Kitchen HB Ligature 3

HB: the Hagenbuch Family Ligature

Hagenbuch is a long last name. Normally, this doesn’t pose too much of a problem. However, when engraving on a stone or other constrained space, the Hagenbuch name can be a tight squeeze. As...

Congaree River Detail 42

The Haugabook Family: A Lost Line of Hagenbuchs?

Most Hagenbuchs living in the United States can trace their ancestry to Andreas Hagenbuch, who landed with his family in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on September 18, 1737. Andreas, however, was not the only Hagenbuch to...

Berks County First Courthouse 0

Andreas Hagenbuch in Court

Piecing together family history is rarely a simple task. The further one goes back through time, the less there is to work from. Memories fade, photographs are lost, and documents are destroyed. Precious little...

Hagenbuch Switzerland Aerial View 10

Town of Hagenbuch, Switzerland

Before Andreas Hagenbuch and his family immigrated to America in 1737, they lived in either Grossgartach or Lomersheim in what is now southern Germany. While Andreas was a native German, his ancestors were not....

Hiram Hagenbuch House 1890 Detail 2

Hiram Hagenbuch’s Farm Rediscovered Near Milton, PA

The exact location of Hiram Hagenbuch’s home and farm were recently rediscovered just north of Milton, Pennsylvania. Besides solving a family mystery, their discovery has helped to uncover an important relationship between Hagenbuch cousins....

Amos Hagenbuch Unidentified Second Wife 0

Enoch Hagenbuch: Early Family Historian, Part 4

We continue with the fourth and final installment of Enoch Hagenbuch’s history of the Hagenbuch family (Read: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3). In this, Enoch details information about the lives of his...