Author: Andrew Hagenbuch

Cemetery Tour 76th Hagenbuch Reunion 1

What Unites Us

What unites us as a family? In 2022, during my talk at the 75th Hagenbuch Reunion, I took a few guesses. I began with the most obvious thing that we all share: the Hagenbuch...

VHS Tape Reels 0

Magnetic Memories: The Clock is Ticking!

How do you capture your family memories? Digital files, printed photographs, film negatives, and magnetic tape are some common methods. Each has its pros and cons, but perhaps none is more fragile than magnetic...

Watercolor Geiger Family Farm 1810 Lewis Miller 1

Homestead Economics: Conclusion

This series of articles started with a question: What economic activities contributed to the success of the Hagenbuch Homestead in Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania? Before beginning to write, I already had some ideas....

Eichelberger Distillery Dills Tavern Pot Still 0

Homestead Economics: Distilling Liquor

Many early American farmers distilled their own liquor, not just for their own consumption but also for additional income. According to Mount Vernon, where George Washington ran a sizable distillery, the average Virginia distiller...