Tagged: Danville

Hannah (Sechler) Hagenbuch, 1960 2

Grandma Hagenbuch, Scrivener

There is no doubt our readers realize that Andrew and I enjoy writing about our family’s history, along with all of its streets, back alleys, lanes, dirt roads, highways, and byways. In other words,...

John Howard Hagenbuch Detail 2

The Last of the First Cousins

The recent death of John Howard Hagenbuch got me thinking about first cousins. John was born on March 11, 1936, and he died three weeks ago on August 18th. John’s Hagenbuch ancestry is: Andreas ...

John and Emma Hagenbuch Reichard Farm 1914 3

Hagenbuch-Reichard Connections: Part 1

The March 9, 2021 article was about the connections between the Hagenbuchs and the Reichard family of Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Some of that information was provided by Shaun Creighton. In providing information, Shaun sent...

The Columbia County Democrat Headline Detail 2

Family Politics

Like many Americans, politics has been on my mind recently. This led me to wonder: How did our Hagenbuch ancestors participate in the politics of their time? After a bit of digging, I stumbled...

Bernice and Herman Bogart 6

Hagenbuch Reunion History: 1946

Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus, we had to reschedule the 2020 reunion until next year. A tentative date of June 26, 2021 has been set. This is not unprecedented as the reunion has been...