Remembering James H. Hagenbuch: a Brother’s Closure

Joseph Hagenbuch Painting 2007
Detail of a painted, self-portrait of Joseph Hagenbuch, the younger brother of James

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4 Responses

  1. Barbara Huffman says:

    What an amazing story ! I had chills but also tears thinking of how that meeting came to be ! Good one , Mark and Andrew ! Thank you for all the time you spend on these articles .

  2. Dave+Hagenbuch says:

    Thanks Andrew and Mark for this continuing story. There are times that I have also felt the pull of someone helping me to make decisions. I truly believe there are powers that guide our lives. Looking forward to the next chapter…..thanks again.

  3. Norma Hurter says:

    Thank you Andrew and Mark for bringing this story to light at our 2022 Hagenbuch Reunion. My husband and I were truly amazed and we are reading all the connecting articles.
    I love the words of Barbara Huffman and Dave Hagenbuch, I couldn’t say it any better than them.
    Thank you,
    Norma Kay

  4. Janet Hagenbuch says:

    I love this story. I started reading about your 300 mile trip in your May 21, 2024 article which led me to the love story of James Hagenbuch and Jeanne Kieser. One story led to another, his uniform and helmet, grave and this is the 4th story I have read about James Hagenbuch. I see there are a couple other stories about him I will also read. Coincidentally, I am finding out his story the day before he was killed in action 80 years ago. I saw in this article when Joe passed, but didn’t know what happened to Donald Burgett, so I looked online for his obituary and found he passed about 4 months after Joe on March 23, 2017. The picture used in Donald Burgett’s obituary was the one that Joe Hagenbuch painted. I also believe it was not a coincidence that they met that day at the VA Hospital. Joe’s family needed closure. I’m so glad they finally got the answers they were needing for all those years about James “Jimmy” Hagenbuch. Thank you Mark and Andrew!

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