330 Search results

For the term "oh".
Port of Philadelphia mid-1700s 3

Meet the “Charming” Captain

A ship at sea is its own world. To be the captain of a ship is to be the unquestioned ruler of that world and requires all of the leadership skills of a prince...

Hans Herr House Detail 2

A Deitschy Day in PA

The deepest roots of our Hagenbuch family tree stretch into Switzerland and Germany. However, for those Hagenbuchs living in the United States, it is an oversimplification to refer to ourselves only as Swiss-German. After...

Hagenbuch Reunion Family 6

Planning the 2020 Hagenbuch Reunion

Several readers have written asking for information about the next Hagenbuch Family Reunion, since one was not planned for 2019. Currently, a date and a location have been set for a family reunion in...

Bucknell University 1870 Detail 5

The Three Children of Mystery Pete

Since Andrew and I have been diligently researching our Hagenbuch family over the past several years, we have nicknamed several of our ancestors. The reason is that there are double, triple, and sometimes even...