Cairo, Illinois, 1863. Your Cousin, E. T. Hagenbuch

Eli Thornton Hagenbuch 1904
Detail of an image showing Eli Thornton Hagenbuch, c. 1904

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5 Responses

  1. Dave Hagenbuch says:

    thanks again….keeping in touch with the past. “I feared not the cowardly heathen”… this reference to someone(or many) or something (feelings within ones self)? Makes you wonder….but then we can’t quite place ourselves in his shoes to know the answers.

  2. barbara hagenbuch huffman says:

    Thank you , Mark and Andrew . I love the history articles , with Hagenbuch relatives . Showing us what life was like for them .
    I looked up Mt Pleasant Iowa ( and Henry Co ) to see if we had ever been there . But we had not traveled to the SE corner of the state .
    I love looking forward to these informative stories on Tuesdays !

    • Mark Hagenbuch says:

      GLAD you read them and enjoy them. As we have said so often, we probably get more than the readers out of this. Since Andrew came up with the idea over four years ago, our research, our archives, our family trees have grown and grown. The Hagenbuchs probably have one of the most extensive and interesting researched history of any family.

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