Tagged: Florence “Hagenbuch” Robb

Hagenbuch Reunion 1957 minutes detail 0

Reunions of the Past

It seems there are a lot of words being written about this year’s Hagenbuch reunion to be held on June 15, 2024 at Hidlay Church. And why not? The location is at a different...

Mariah Madden 1938 Detail 2

Mariah Madden: Nurse and Midwife

The discovery of a quilt that was given as a gift led to the recent article about Mariah Madden, a nurse and midwife who lived in Montour County, Pennsylvania between 1862 and 1949. Knowing...

Bernice and Herman Bogart 6

Hagenbuch Reunion History: 1946

Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus, we had to reschedule the 2020 reunion until next year. A tentative date of June 26, 2021 has been set. This is not unprecedented as the reunion has been...

Kathryn's Book Detail 0

Kathryn’s Book

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m in possession of many historical items that belonged to the Hagenbuchs and other related families. Andrew and I continue to collect items. These include: a privy bottle, a fraktur,...

Wedding Dress 1851 Lace Button 0

Four Weddings, One Dress

Several articles have been written about the importance of passing on things to future generations: photos and letters, names and stories, or toys and clocks. Nevertheless, although a wedding dress may be passed on...

Kathleen Shuler Jennifer Miller 0

Six Margarets

As mentioned in the June 7, 2016 article “What’s In A Name?”, several generations in my immediate family have carried on the name Margaret. Most genealogists are mainly concerned with a direct male line...

Hadley Faye Emig Chest Detail 0

What’s in a Name?

The recent birth of our first grandchild (a sweet, little girl named Hadley Faye Emig; parents – Nelson and Katie “Hagenbuch” Emig) reminded my wife Linda and me how important the naming process of...