43 Search results

For the term "recipe".
Ham, Beans, Potatoes 2

Family Foods

What foods conjure memories of your family past and present? A few weeks ago, while planning a trip to my parents’ house, I asked if they had any favorite dishes that their parents used...

Mummeli Glazing 4

Traditional Gingerbread Men: Mummeli

Each Christmas, my wife Sara and I prepare cards and treats for the various family members we will see during the holiday season. This tradition encourages us to spend time together and allows us...

Ginger Beer Glasses detail 0

Homemade Ginger Beer

Before the holidays, I was reading a non-fiction book entitled Life on Muskrat Creek which tells the story of a family homesteading in Wyoming during the early 1900s. One chapter describes a Christmas celebration...

Mark and Andrew Hagenbuch Detail 3

Four Years On

Talking with my father the other day, he mentioned that I should begin writing a recap for the previous year of Hagenbuch.org. Really? Has another year passed already? Four years ago, this site was...