Tagged: Pennsylvania

Homer S. Hagenbuch WD45 Tractor 1960 0

Homer Hagenbuch’s Scrapbook, Part 2

In Part 1 of this series, details about the different types of ephemera found in the scrapbook of Homer Hagenbuch (b. 1916) were discussed. His mother, Hannah, and his sister, Ellen, were instrumental in...

Thomas Sechler Portrait Detail 2

Hagenbuchs and Sechlers Entwined

Back in about 1978, I first walked through the graveyard at New Bethel Union Church near the Hagenbuch homestead in Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. I had been looking for the farm where Andreas...

Donald Reaser Home Fire 1980 Detail 4

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

Printed newspapers are a dying form of communication. A year or so ago, Linda and I stopped purchasing the Harrisburg newspaper. I hadn’t looked through it for years and Linda was getting it so...

Andreas Hagenbuch Descendants Sketch Detail 2

{[(1+1=4)+5=11]+9=19} = 34

Is this new math? Does it represent some sort of algebra? Is it some sort of secret code? What sort of title is this for a genealogical article? I thought of titling this article:...

Detail Painting Howard Sechler 1

Can You Document That?

Andrew and I often write about the Hagenbuch Archives. The Archives are located in my Dillsburg home in several rooms. I suspect that some of you believe this is a repository of documents which...