71 Search results

For the term "christmas".
Christmas Tree Ornaments 4

Merry Christmas in Photos

The final article in the series “My Uncle Charles” will take a brief hiatus as we celebrate Christmas with some vintage photos from the archives. Andrew and I are forever touting to save your...

Christmas Sweaters Regina Hagenbuch 3

Regina Hagenbuch’s Christmas Sweaters

There is a story in our family that goes something like this: One Christmas when I was two years old, my parents wanted me to wear a sweater outfit that I had received as...

Christmas Morn 1880 Detail 2

I’ll Be Home For Christmas

Lately, we’ve heard the advice to “stay home for the holidays” and help prevent the spread of Covid-19. While many bemoan being stuck in their houses this year, let’s remember that for some being...

Making Handmade Christmas Cards Detail 0

Handmade Christmas Cards

For the last decade, my wife Sara and I have made it part of our holiday traditions to handmake some of our own Christmas cards. The first year or two, I found the process...

Santa Ornaments Detail 1

Christmas Ornaments

The tradition of decorating an evergreen tree during the Christmas season is believed to have started in Germany during the 1500s. Our early Hagenbuch ancestors certainly knew and practiced this custom before coming to...

Limestone Elementary School 0

The School Christmas Program

In 2014, I wrote about my memories of Christmas at our family church, Oak Grove, when I was a young boy. Though not quite as vivid, I also have some memories of when I...

Baby Christmas Card 5

Christmas Babies

People born on holidays often see it as a double edged sword. Some of the holiday-born believe that the festivities take away from their birthday celebration. Others believe the holiday enhances their own personal...