Tagged: Hagenbuch Reunion

Cemetery Tour 76th Hagenbuch Reunion 1

What Unites Us

What unites us as a family? In 2022, during my talk at the 75th Hagenbuch Reunion, I took a few guesses. I began with the most obvious thing that we all share: the Hagenbuch...

Hagenbuch Reunion 1957 minutes detail 0

Reunions of the Past

It seems there are a lot of words being written about this year’s Hagenbuch reunion to be held on June 15, 2024 at Hidlay Church. And why not? The location is at a different...

Hannah (Sechler) Hagenbuch, 1960 2

Grandma Hagenbuch, Scrivener

There is no doubt our readers realize that Andrew and I enjoy writing about our family’s history, along with all of its streets, back alleys, lanes, dirt roads, highways, and byways. In other words,...

Bernice and Herman Bogart 6

Hagenbuch Reunion History: 1946

Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus, we had to reschedule the 2020 reunion until next year. A tentative date of June 26, 2021 has been set. This is not unprecedented as the reunion has been...