Tagged: Germany

Hagenbuch Stained Glass Detail 0

Hagenbuch Coat of Arms Revisited

In early June, Andrew received a message from Jacob Robison who asked some questions about our family’s DNA tests and also about the Hagenbuch coat of arms. He was curious if we had any...

Mark and Homer Hagenbuch Gettysburg 1967 Detail 1

Back to My Roots with Photos

When I began dating Linda back in 1972, I became interested in photography. My mother, Irene, had already been taking a lot of photos for years and many of these were on slides. We...

Wreath Clarence and Hannah (Sechler) Hagenbuch Grave 0

Wreaths of Remembrance

As Christmas approaches, each year for the past several years my wife, Linda, has made evergreen wreaths to give to friends, to hang outside at our abode, and to place on relatives’ gravesites. These...

Train Engineer Oil Can Detail 1900 2

Stuck on Charles W. Hagenbaugh, Part 1

Right now I am stuck on Charles W. Hagenbaugh—not in the romantic sense—but definitely in a genealogical way! I cannot find enough evidence to be certain of where to place him on our Hagenbuch...

Christmas Sweaters Regina Hagenbuch 3

Regina Hagenbuch’s Christmas Sweaters

There is a story in our family that goes something like this: One Christmas when I was two years old, my parents wanted me to wear a sweater outfit that I had received as...