Tagged: Percy Hagenbuch

The Beech Grove 1991 Detail 0

The Stories Go On and On and On

The scenarios could have been very different over the past 50 plus years. I may have had no interest in our Hagenbuch family’s history. Uncle Perce may have never latched on to me as...

Mark Hagenbuch Stocks Williamsburg Virginia 1964 Detail 0

Tell Them the Story

As a warning to our readers, this article describes a suicide in the early 20th century. While writing my last article about November dates, I was looking through the photo archives for images of...

Charles and Homer Hagenbuch with Miss Dye 1923 Detail 1

Remember, Remember, the Days of November

Recently, Linda and I attended a birthday party for our four-year-old grandson, William. Not long after this, we were treated to a birthday meal for my nephew, Tom Huffman, who was born on November...

1950 Census Enumerator Virginia Detail 4

First Thoughts on the 1950 Census

April 1, 2022 marked an important occasion for genealogists—and, no, it had nothing to do with April Fools’ Day! On this day, family historians celebrated the release of the 1950 United States Census records,...

YMCA Chicago Postcard 1915 Detail 4

My Uncle Charles: Letters From Home to Chicago

My Uncle Charles was interested in furthering his education. He was not engrossed in farming as many of our Hagenbuch clan in the early 1900s. His story brings to mind the popular World War...

Sue Emmitt Reichard Funeral 1916 Detail 0

Hagenbuch-Reichard Connections: Part 2

In the first part of this article series, we explored photos and information about the Hagenbuchs and Reichards. The second part continues with more information from Shaun Creighton and a few of the many...

Limestoneville School Class Photo 1911 Detail 1

School Picture Day

An important day in the calendar of public school life was “picture day.” Having taught elementary school and serving as an elementary principal, all told for 35 years, that special day was filled with...

Photo Postcard Friends Detail 1908 4

A Box Full of Goodies, Part 2

Readers may notice that Andrew and I attempt to write meaningful articles. It would be easy to scan a few photos or letters, describe them, and leave it at that. Instead, we strive to...