Tagged: Hidlay Church

Harrises Hidlay 1939 1

The Harrises of Hidlay: Part 2

It’s sometimes difficult for me to remember how I got started on some of my genealogical work from decades ago. I know that I did very little work on other branches of the family...

Mock Shotgun Wedding Hidlay Church PA 1948 Detail 0

Mock Shotgun Weddings

As my father wrote about last week, we recently received a collection of photographs from the Harris family. The Harrises intermarried with the Hagenbuchs and the two families attended Hidlay Lutheran Church in Columbia...

Frank Harris Family 1930 Detail 1

The Harrises of Hidlay: Part 1

On February 10, 2015, I wrote an article about my great great grandfather’s brother and his family. Samuel Hagenbuch was born in 1806 and lived on what became a six generation family farm in...

Catawissa PA Detail 1

Sherlocking the Kistlers

When Andrew and I put together an article, we look for a story that will have some interest, a historical or cultural relationship to our family, and some photos. With more resources available due...

Margaret Englehart 1895 Detail 1

Hunting for Lost Children

There is little more fulfilling to genealogical work than gazing at 100 plus year old photos of lovely children: their clothing, their innocent expressions, and knowing how they are related to us. Realizing two...

The Columbia County Democrat Headline Detail 2

Family Politics

Like many Americans, politics has been on my mind recently. This led me to wonder: How did our Hagenbuch ancestors participate in the politics of their time? After a bit of digging, I stumbled...