Letters From the Past: Part 1

Earl Hagenbuch, Jr. Family 1981 Detail
Detail of a photo of Earl Hagenbuch, Jr. and family, 1981

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5 Responses

  1. Deirdre Johns says:

    My name is Deirdre Johns. My grandmother, Dolores, and her twin sister, Doris, were Hagenbuch’s from Nazareth, PA. Their father was Earl. I believe we are related. Have you come across information related to them. Their mother was Violet Gambler Hagenbuch.

  2. Patricia Lebresco says:

    My name is Patricia Barton Lebresco and my grandmother Elizabeth Hagenbach ( the spelling was changed somewhere along the line) was Earl F Hagenbuch’s first wife. My mother, Elizabeth, was his first child and they also had a son, Robert. Earl left the family when my mother was 2 years old and my uncle was 6 weeks old. He married Violet and had twins. He left Violet when the twins were 9 (my mother did meet the twins when she was in her 80s and they were in their 70s. He eventually married again and had a son, who I think is Earl Jr.

    • Mark Hagenbuch says:

      Patrice – THANKS so much for this info. As my son Andrew and I get more info from cousins like you, we update our records and want to keep in contact. I’ll be sending you an email so we can do that. We really appreciate your message and please continue reading our articles. (Mark Hagenbuch)

    • Ryan says:

      Do you know a Joan Hagenbuch that graduated with Doris and Dolores? Was this their cousin on their dad’s side? I made a video about them and someone was curious in the comments. Thought I would update and let them know, if you know.

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