28 Search results

For the term "fraktur".
Close up Anna Elizabeth Hagenbuch Fraktur 1

Dating Anna Elizabeth Hagenbuch’s Fraktur

Dating historic documents can be challenging. Indeed, from the moment the Taufschein Fraktur of Anna Elizabeth Hagenbuch (b. 1754, d. 1825) was discovered, there were numerous questions about when it was created. On the...

Anna Elizabeth Hagenbuch Fraktur Taufschein Front 0

Update on Anna Elizabeth Hagenbuch’s Fraktur

It’s been over four months since we announced the discovery of Anna Elizabeth Hagenbuch’s birth and baptismal Fraktur. What began as a serendipitous find on eBay, has since yielded important information – as well...

Johann Martin Bely (Bailey) Baptismal Fraktur 0

Hagenbuch Family Birth and Baptismal Frakturs

Birth and baptismal records are an important source of genealogical information. Most notably, they provide the birth dates of individuals. However, they also reveal family relationships such as parents and, in the case of...

Irene (Faus) Hagenbuch Scarf 1937 2

First Gifts

As I have mentioned over and over, I remember starting into genealogy as a boy and looking at lists of Hagenbuch names, dates, and places from various sources. Back then, one could buy a...