Tagged: Homer Hagenbuch

VHS Tape Reels 0

Magnetic Memories: The Clock is Ticking!

How do you capture your family memories? Digital files, printed photographs, film negatives, and magnetic tape are some common methods. Each has its pros and cons, but perhaps none is more fragile than magnetic...

Irene (Faus) Hagenbuch Scarf 1937 2

First Gifts

As I have mentioned over and over, I remember starting into genealogy as a boy and looking at lists of Hagenbuch names, dates, and places from various sources. Back then, one could buy a...

Gift For The Grangers Detail 1873 2

The Hagenbuchs and The Grange

I have mentioned in a few, previous articles that I was familiar with the Grange organization when I was growing up. A few weeks ago, Linda and I were visiting our daughter, Julie, her...

Mark Hagenbuch Stocks Williamsburg Virginia 1964 Detail 0

Tell Them the Story

As a warning to our readers, this article describes a suicide in the early 20th century. While writing my last article about November dates, I was looking through the photo archives for images of...

Homer & Andrew Hagenbuch 1985 Detail 2

When the Photograph is the Memory

A few months ago, my aunt, Barbara “Barb” (Hagenbuch) Huffman, sent me a photograph that had been taken by my grandmother, Irene “Nana” (Faus) Hagenbuch (b. 1920). The image depicts my grandfather, Homer “Pop”...

Homer S. Hagenbuch 1945 2

How It Begins

The other day my eldest son, William, pointed to a photograph hanging on the wall and asked, “Daddy, what is this picture of?” The photo he was referencing was taken during the summer of...

Andreas Hagenbuch Descendants Sketch Detail 2

{[(1+1=4)+5=11]+9=19} = 34

Is this new math? Does it represent some sort of algebra? Is it some sort of secret code? What sort of title is this for a genealogical article? I thought of titling this article:...