50th Hagenbuch Reunion: June 23, 1991

One of the many untapped resources for family research are the news clippings and other information about the Hagenbuch family reunions held in central Pennsylvania. Beginning in 1938, these reunions were attended primarily by the descendants of William Hagenbuch (b. 1807). Family members would gather once each year for a picnic and fellowship at a park near Danville or Milton.
Below is a news article published about the first Hagenbuch reunion held in 1938 at Sunnybrook Park near Danville, PA.
Hagenbuch Clan At First Reunion
Clipping dated 1938
The first Hagenbuch reunion was held at Sunnybrook Park Saturday, September 3, with eighty-six in attendance. Those coming the longest distance were: Mrs. Herbert Willis, West Point, N.Y.; John R. Hagenbuch, Washington D.C.; Julia R. Hagenbuch, Baltimore, Md., and Charles Hagenbuch of New Jersey.
The oldest member present was Mrs. Emma Hagenbuch, Danville R. D., and the youngest, Stanley Hagenbuch, Milton, R. D.
After the basket dinner a business meeting was held and the following officers were elected for the coming year:
President, John R. Hagenbuch. Washington, D.C.; vice president, Bruce H. Hagenbuch, Danville R. D.; secretary, Julia C. Hagenbuch, Danville R. D.; assistant secretary, Mrs. Lester Beaver, Danville R. D.; treasurer, Raymond Hagenbuch, Danville R. D.; historian, Miss Alice Foust, Milton.
The next Hagenbuch reunion will be held at Sunnybrook next year on the second Saturday in June.
Those present were: Julia C. Hagenbuch, Raymond Hagenbuch, Mrs. Raymond Hagenbuch, Mrs. Emma Hagenbuch, Hiram J. Hagenbuch, Joseph Hagenbuch, Walter Hagenbuch, Mr. and Mrs. Israel Hagenbuch, Mrs. Pearl Zechman, James Hagenbuch, Bruce Hagenbuch, Andrew J. Hagenbuch, Fred Hagenbuch, Luther Hagenbuch, Jr., Luther Hagenbuch, Sr., Mary Belle Hagenbuch, Lester Beaver, Mrs. Lester Beaver, Dean Beaver, Dale Beaver, Donald Beaver, Mrs. Luther Hagenbuch, John Hagenbuch, Glenn Hagenbuch, Danville R. D.; Eleanor Sechler, Danville; Herman Bogart, Kenneth Bogart, Herman Bogart, Leona Bogart, Cyrus Hagenbuch, Mrs. Cyrus Hagenbuch, Stanley Hagenbuch, Jean Hagenbuch, Clyde Hagenbuch, Franklin Hagenbuch, Lee Hagenbuch, Homer Hagenbuch, Irene Faus, Augusta Spangler, Wilmer Hagenbuch, Tillman Hagenbuch, Norman Hagenbuch, Roy Hagenbuch, William Hagenbuch, Clarence Hagenbuch, Florence Hagenbuch, Mary Catherine Hagenbuch, Ellen Hagenbuch, Kathryn Hagenbuch, Mrs. Percy Hagenbuch, R. L. Hagenbuch, Harry Hagenbuch, Percy Hagenbuch, Mrs. Clarence Hagenbuch, Milton R. D.;
Ethel Bibby, Ella Bibby, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bibby, Alice Foust, Mary Reed, Edgar Reed, Milton; Mrs. Kathryn J. Roat, Paul Roat, Watsontown R. D.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles White, Mrs. Clara L. Reichard, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. John, John C. Steinruck, Mrs. Carl H. Hess, Miss Corinne Hess, Mrs. Frank Harris, Miss Elsie Harris, Bloomsburg; Mr. and Mrs. Leland Knepper, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Knepper, Ernest Richie, Ivan Richie, Weatherly; Julia, R. Hagenbuch, Baltimore, Md., John R. Hagenbuch, Washington, D. C.; Charles Hagenbuch, New Jersey; Mrs. Herbert Willis, West Point, N. Y.
During the four years of World War II (1942, 1943, 1944, and 1945), reunions were not held. This made 1991 the 50th anniversary year of the gathering.
Huge efforts were made in 1991 to have as many folks in attendance as possible. By this time, the Beech Grove newsletter had been published for 10 years, helping to link many Hagenbuchs and other allied families together. As a result, the reunion was no longer attended mostly by the descendants of William Hagenbuch. Instead, there was a mix of descendants connected through their mutual ancestor, Andreas Hagenbuch (b. 1711).
Whereas the 1938 reunion had 86 persons in attendance (a large number for the first gathering), the 50th reunion in 1991 had 147 present. The following information appeared in the December 1991 issue of the Beech Grove regarding that 50th milestone.
Fiftieth Hagenbuch Reunion – A Day To Remember
by Mrs. Florence Robb, Secretary
The 50th annual Hagenbuch Reunion was held on June 23, 1991 at the Montour-DeLong Fair Building instead of the Montour Preserve, due to inclement weather.
Some of the family met at the Oak Grove Lutheran Church at 9:00 AM for services to help celebrate our 50th reunion. Lunch was served cafeteria style at 1:00 PM at the Fair Building.
Following lunch, Mark Hagenbuch presided with the business meeting. There were 147 persons attending the reunion! The minutes were read and approved. The reunion date and place for 1992 is June 28 at Montour Preserve from 12:30 to 3:30 PM. Officers elected for 1992 were: President – Mark O. Hagenbuch; Vice-President – Joseph Hagenbuch; Secretary – Florence Robb; Assistant Secretary – Leona Rathburn; and Historian – Ellen L. Hagenbuch. Recreation committee appointed for 1992 are Kathleen Mangold and Linda F. Hagenbuch.
Attending the 1991 reunion were:
Mrs. Bernice Bogart – Pottsgrove, PA
Mrs. Leona Rathburn – Pottsgrove, PA
Amanda Mellowship – Sunbury, PA
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Brosius, Erin , Brian – Dornsife, PA
Bruice & Julia Hagenbuch – Danville, PA
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Beaver – Danville, PA
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Beaver – Danville, PA
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Beaver, Jordan – Danville, PA
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Hagenbuch – Danville, PA
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hagenbuch — Danville, PA
Mr. & Mrs. Hiram Hagenbuch – Danville, PA
Mr. & Mrs. William Hagenbuch – Danville, PA
Mr. &. Mrs. John Robb – Danville, PA
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hagenbuch – Danville, PA
Neil Hess – Danville, PA
Mrs. Kathryn Maust – Danville, PA
Mr. & Mrs. Carey Hagenbuch – Danville, PA
Ellen L. Hagenbuch – Milton, PA
Mr. & Mrs. Grendon Taylor – Milton, PA
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Hagenbuch, Jr. – Milton, PA
Mr. & Mrs. John Styer – Milton, PA
Melissa & Amy Carl – Milton, PA
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Hagenbuch – Milton, PA
Craig Hagenbuch – Milton, PA
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hertzler, John , Jed – Milton, PA
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Shuler, Jeremy, Jennifer – Milton, PA
Frances Hagenbuch – Milton, PA
Mr. & Mrs. Homer Hagenbuch – Milton, PA
Mrs. Cynthia Stanchock, Courtney, Brandon – Bloomsburg, PA
Jessica Umstead – Bloomsburg, PA
Eric Glover – Montgomery , PA
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Drick – Montoursville, PA
Dan Hagenbuch – Washingtonville, PA
Rev. David Hauck – Washingtonville, PA
Mrs. Cathy Jo Kelley, Ty, Cole – Washingtonville, PA
Nancy Hagenbuch Worden – Kingston, PA
Mr. & Mrs. R. Larue Hagenbuch – Watsontown, PA
Melinda Guthrie – Watsontown, PA
Teresa, Sharon, Krissie Harris – Watsontown, PA
Lynn, Beth, Dayna, Lucas Maryott, Watsontown, PA
Frank Hagenbuch & Bobby Lloyd – Williamsport, PA
Hester Doris Hulsizer – Turbotville, PA
Vicki Lynn Stahl – Turbotville, PA
Carol Robb – Lancaster, PA
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Robb, Jon, Joanne – Langhorne, PA
Mr. & Mrs. S. Thomas Huffman, Sr. – Dauphin, PA
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hagenbuch, Andrew, Katie, Julie – Dillsburg, PA
Mr. & Mrs. William Mangold – New Cumberland, PA
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Smith, Sean, Cody – Ardmore, PA
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Thomas, Robin, Aaron, Ananda, Kimberly – Downingtown, PA
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Hagenbuch – Aurora, OH
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Johnson, Twinsburg, OH
Mr. & Mrs. John Monroe, Derek, Joshua, Drew – Worthington, OH
Mr. & Mrs. Paul O’Neil, Katie, Daniel, Colleen – Chagrin Falls, OH
Mr. & Mrs. Forest Simm, Stephen, Andrew – Crevelad Height, OH
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Hagenbuch, Matthew – Twinsburg, OH
Lynn Hagenbuch – Durham, NC
Chelsey Lyne Stahl – Clarksville, TN
Joe Taylor – Frostburg, MD
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Hansel – Eakhart, MD
Mr. & Mrs. David Taylor – Cumberland, MD
Mr. & Mrs. Don Hagenbuch – Columbia City, IN
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hagenbuch – Utica, IL
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hagenbuch , Sara, Justin, Allison – Worcester , MA
Mr. & Mrs. Jim DeMartini, Peter, Michael – Bath, ME
Family reunions are one of the important ways people who are related connect and reconnect. The Hagenbuch family has a long tradition of gathering together, and we hope it will continue for many years to come.
I loved reading this . I remember the 50th reunion . I remember meeting Chuck and Ethel and also talking to Bruce Hagenbuch about his Border Collie !
And that was ……… 25 yrs ago ?!! Oh my !