Tagged: genealogy

Mark and Andrew Hagenbuch, Hiram Hagenbuch Gravestone 0

Nine Years On

Each year, when I sit down to write a retrospective on the previous 12 months of Hagenbuch.org, I find myself surprised by the number of fascinating pieces that have been published. Occasionally, I have...

Mark and Andrew Hagenbuch, 2002, Detail 8

Eight Years On

I felt somewhat dismayed as I sat down to write this year’s retrospective of Hagenbuch.org. In the previous 12 months, only 300 names have been added to Beechroots, our database of family records. Last...

Mark and Andrew Toasting 5

Seven Years On

Just the other week, my father and I were talking about how we started Hagenbuch.org in 2014. He was working on his article the seven year itch, and we were tallying a number of...

Mark O. Hagenbuch Watercolor Painting 4

The Seven Year Itch

Not only is it good to know where we came from, but it is also good to know where we are going. I often think about those few days, seven years ago, when Andrew...

Andrew and Mark Hagenbuch, 1988 Detail 2

Six Years On

In the late 1970s, historian James Burke hosted a documentary television program called Connections. In each episode, he traced the history of a modern scientific marvel from its humble beginning to fruition. For instance,...

Hagenbuch correspondence cards 0

How Far We Have Come!

In September of last year I wrote about a box of letters which I found. These I had written beginning in 1978 to relatives when I first began seriously researching and recording our family...