Tagged: Chicago

YMCA Chicago Postcard 1915 Detail 4

My Uncle Charles: Letters From Home to Chicago

My Uncle Charles was interested in furthering his education. He was not engrossed in farming as many of our Hagenbuch clan in the early 1900s. His story brings to mind the popular World War...

Charles C. Hagenbuch 1939 2

My Uncle Charles: I Hardly Knew You

Many of you, like me, probably have an uncle, aunt, cousin, grandfather, or grandmother whom we wish we would have taken the time to sit with and visit. I don’t mean to quiz them...

Reuben Hagenbuch 1825 Detail 3

Untangling Four Reuben Hagenbuchs

In May I received a message from a reader, Tom, who was looking for information about Reuben Hagenbuch. Tom was hitting a dead end partly because there appeared to be several Reuben Hagenbuchs born...